The Second Great Wall (of programming)

Back in 2000, I entered the Computer Science undergrad program at IIT Madras thinking I was a fairly competent coder. In my high school, I had a pretty good reputation in terms of my programming skills and had built a whole bunch of games.

By the time half the course was done I had completely fallen out of love with programming, deciding a career in Computer Science was not for me. I even ignored Kama (current diro)’s advice and went on to do an MBA.

What had happened? Basically it was a sudden increase in the steepness of the learning curve. Or that I’m a massive sucker for user experience, which the Computer Science program didn’t care for.

Back in school, my IDE of choice (rather the only one available) was TurboC, a DOS-based program. You would write your code, and then hit Ctrl+F9 to run the program. And it would just run. I didn’t have to deal with any technical issues. Looking back, we had built some fairly complex programs just using TurboC.

And then I went to IIT and found that there was no TurboC, no DOS. Most computers there had an ancient version of Unix (or worse, Solaris). These didn’t come with nice IDEs such as TurboC. Instead, you had to use vi (some of the computers were so old they didn’t even have vim) to write the code, and then compile it from outside.

Difficulties in coming to terms with vi meant that my speed of typing dropped. I couldn’t “code at the speed of thought” any more. This was the first give up moment.

Then, I discovered that C++ had now got this new set of “standard template libraries” (STL) with vectors and stuff. This was very alien to the way I had learnt C++ in school. Also I found that some of my classmates were very proficient with this, and I just couldn’t keep up with this. The effort seemed too much (and the general workload of the program was so high that I couldn’t get much time for “learning by myself”), so I gave up once  again.

Next, I figured that a lot of my professors were suckers for graphic UIs (though they denied us good UX by denying us good computers). This, circa 2001-2, meant programming in Java and writing applets. It was a massive degree of complexity (and “boringness”) compared to the crisp C/C++ code I was used to writing. I gave up yet again.

I wasn’t done with giving up yet. Beyond all of this, there was “systems programming”. You had to write some network layers and stuff. You had to go deep into the workings of the computer system to get your code to run. This came rather intuitively to most of my engineering-minded classmates. It didn’t to me (programming in C was the “deepest” I could grok). And I gave up even more.

A decade after I graduated from IIT Madras, I visited IIM Calcutta to deliver a lecture. And got educated.

I did my B.Tech. project in “theoretical computer science”, managed to graduate and went on to do an MBA. Just before my MBA, I was helping my father with some work, and he figured I sucked at Excel. “What is the use of completing a B.Tech. in computer science if you can’t even do simple Excel stuff?”, he thundered.

In IIMB, all of us bought computers with pirated Windows and Office. I started using Excel. It was an absolute joy. It was a decade before I started using Apple products, but the UX of Windows was such a massive upgrade compared to what I’d seen in my more technical life.

In my first job (where I didn’t last long) I learnt the absolute joy of Visual Basic macros for Excel. This was another level of unlock. I did some insane gymnastics in that. I pissed off a lot of people in my second job by replicating what they thought was a complex model on an Excel sheet. In my third job, I replaced a guy on my team with an Excel macro. My programming mojo was back.

Goldman Sachs’s SLANG was even better. By the time I left from there, I had learnt R as well. And then I became a “data scientist”. People asked me to use Python. I struggled with it. After the user experience of R, this was too complex. This brought back bad memories of all the systems programming and dealing with bad UX I had encountered in my undergrad. This time I was in control (I was a freelancer) so I didn’t need to give up – I was able to get all my work done in R.

The second giving up

I’ve happily used R for most of my data work in the last decade. Recently at work I started using Databricks (still write my code in R there, using sparklyr), and I’m quite liking that as well. However, in the last 3-4 months there has been a lot of developments in “AI”, which I’ve wanted to explore.

The unfortunate thing is that most of this is available only in Python. And the bad UX problem is back again.

Initially I got excited, and managed to install Stable Diffusion on my personal Mac. I started writing some OpenAI code as well (largely using R). I started tracking developments in artificial intelligence, and trying some of them out.

And now, in the last 2-3 weeks, I’ve been struggling with “virtual environments”. Each newfangled open-source AI that is released comes with its own codebase and package requirements. They are all mutually incompatible. You install one package, and you break another package.

The “solution” to this, from what I could gather, is to use virtual environments – basically a sandbox for each of these things that I’ve downloaded. That, I find, is grossly inadequate. One of the points of using open source software is to experiment with connecting up two or more of them. And if each needs to be in its own sandbox, how is one supposed to do this? And how are all other data scientists and software engineers okay with this?

This whole virtual environment mess means that I’m giving up on programming once again. I won’t fully give up – I’ll continue to use R for most of my data work (including my job), but I’m on the verge of giving up in terms of these “complex AI”.

It’s the UX thing all over again. I simply can’t handle bad UX. Maybe it’s my ADHD. But when something is hard to use, I simply don’t want to use it.

And so I’m giving up once again. Tagore was right.

Muggoos and overfitting

Back when I was a student, there was this (rather large) species of students who we used to call “muggoos”. They were called that because they would have a habit of “mugging up the answers” – basically they would learn verbatim stuff in the textbooks and other reading material, and then just spit it out during the exams.

They were incredibly hardworking, of course – since the volume of stuff to mug was immense – and they would make up for their general lack of understanding of the concepts with their massive memories and rote learning.

On average, they did rather well – with all that mugging, the downside was floored. However, they would stumble badly in case of any “open book exams” (where we would be allowed to carry textbooks into the exams) – since the value of mugging there was severely limited. I remember having an argument once with some topper-type muggoos (with generally much better grades than me ) on whether to keep exams in a particular course open book or closed book. They all wanted closed book of course.

This morning, I happened to remember this species while chatting with a friend. He was sending me some screenshots from ChatGPT and was marvelling at something which it supposedly made up (I remembered it as a popular meme from 4-5 years back). I immediately responded that ChatGPT was simply “overfitting” in this case.

Since this was a rather popular online meme, and a lot of tweets would have been part of ChatGPT’s training data, coming up with this “meme-y joke” was basically the algorithm remembering this exact pattern that occurred multiple times in the training set. There was no need to intuit or interpolate or hallucinate – the number of occurrences in the training set meant this was an “obvious joke”.

In that sense, muggoos are like badly trained pieces of artificial intelligence (well, I might argue that their intelligence IS artificial) – they haven’t learnt the concepts, so they are unable to be creative or hallucinate. However, they have been “trained” very very well on the stuff that is there in the textbooks (and other reading material) – and the moment they see part of that it’s easy for them to “complete the sentences”. So when questions in the exams come straight out of the reading materials (as they do in a LOT of indian universities and school boards) they find it easy to answer.

However, when tested on “concepts”, they now need to intuit – and infer based on their understanding. In that sense, they are like badly trained machine learning models.

One of the biggest pitfalls in machine learning is “overfitting” – where you build a model that is so optimised to the training data that it learns quirks of the data that you don’t want it to learn. It performs superbly on the training dataset. Now, when faced with an unknown (“out of syllabus”) test set, it underperforms like crazy. In machine learning, we use techniques such as cross validation to make sure algorithms don’t overfit.

That, however, is not how the conventional Indian education system trains you – throughout most of the education, you find that the “test set” is a subset of the “training set” (questions in examinations come straight out of the textbook). Consequently, people with the ability to mug find that it is a winning strategy to just “overfit” and learn the textbooks verbatim – the likelihood of being caught out by unseen test data is minimal.

And then IF they get out into the real world, they find that a lot of the “test data” is unknown, and having not learnt to truly learn from the data, they struggle.

PS: Overfitting is not the only way machine learning systems misbehave. Sometimes they end up learning the entirely wrong pattern!

The Tube Strike Model For The Pandemic

In 2002, as part of my undergrad in computer science, I took a course in “Artificial Intelligence”. It was a “restricted elective” – you had to either take that or another course called “Artificial Neural Networks”. That Neural Networks was then considered disjoint from AI will tell you how the field of computer science has changed in the 15 years since I graduated.

In any case, as part of our course on AI, we learnt heuristics. These were approximate algorithms to solve a problem – seldom did well in terms of worst case complexity but in most cases got the job done. Back then, the dominant discourse was that you had to tell a computer how to solve a problem, not just show it a large number of positive and negative examples and allow it to learn by itself (though that was the approach taken by the elective I did not elect for).

One such heuristic was Simulated Annealing. The problem with a classic “hill climbing” algorithm is that you can get caught in local optima. And the deterministic hill climbing algorithm doesn’t let you get off your local optima to search for better optima. Hence there are variants. In Simulated Annealing, in the early part of the algorithm you are allowed to take big steps down (assuming you are trying to find the peak). As the algorithm progresses, it “cools down” (hence simulated annealing) and the extent to which you are allowed to climb down is massively reduced.

It is not just in algorithms, or in the case of AI, do we get stuck in local optima. In a recent post, I had made a passing reference to a paper about the tube strikes of 2014.

It is clearly visible from the two panels that far fewer commuters were able to use their modal station during the strike, which implies that a substantial number of individuals were forced to explore alternative routes. The data also suggest that the strike brought about some lasting changes in behaviour, as the fraction of commuters that made use of their modal station seemingly drops after the strike (in the paper we substantiate this claim econometrically).

Screw the paper if you don’t want to read it. Basically the concept is that the strike of 2014 shook things up. People were forced to explore alternatives. And some alternatives stuck. In other words, a lot of people had got stuck in local maxima. And when an external event (the strike) pushed them off their local pedestals (figuratively speaking), they were able to find better maxima.

And that was only the result of a three-day strike. Now, the pandemic has gone on for 5-6 months now (depending on the part of world you are in). During this time, a lot of behaviour otherwise considered normal have been questioned by people behaving thus. My theory is that a lot of these hitherto “normal behaviours” were essentially local optima. And with the pandemic forcing people to rethink their behaviours, they will find better optima.

I can think of a few examples from my own life.

  1. I wrote about this the other day. I had gotten used to a schedule of heavy weight lifting for my workouts. I had plateaued in all my lifts, and this meant that my upper body had plateaued at a rather suboptimal level. However much I tried to improve my bench press and shoulder press (using only these movements) the bar refused to budge. And my shoulders refused to get bigger. I couldn’t do a (palms facing away) pull up.
    Thanks to the pandemic, the gym shut, and I was forced to do body weight exercises at home. There was a limit on how much I could load my legs and back, so I focussed more on my upper body, especially doing different progressions of the pushup. And back in the gym today, I discovered I could easily do pullups now.

    Similarly, the progression of body weight squats I knew forced me to learn to squat deep (hamstrings touching calves). Today for the first time ever I did deep front squats. This means in a few months I can learn to clean.

  2. I was used to eating Milky Mist set curd (the one that comes in a 1kg box). It was nice and creamy and I loved eating it. It isn’t widely available and there was one supermarket close to home from where I could get it. As soon as the lockdown happened that supermarket shut. Even when it opened it had long lines, and there were physical barricades between my house and that so I couldn’t drive to it.

    In the meantime I figured that the guy who delivers milk to my door in the morning could deliver (Nandini) curd as well. And I started buying from him. Well, it’s not as creamy as Milky Mist, but it’s good enough. And I’m not going back.

  3. This was a see-saw. For the first month of the lockdown most bakeries nearby were shut. So I started trying out bread at this supermarket close to home (not where I got Milky Mist from). I loved it. Presently, bakeries reopened and the density of cases in Bangalore meant I became wary of going to supermarkets. So now we’ve shifted back to freshly baked bread from the local bakery
  4. I’d tried intermittent fasting several times in life but had never been able to do it on a consistent basis. In the initial part of the lockdown good bread was hard to come by (since the bakeries shut and I hadn’t discovered the supermarket bread yet). There had been a bird flu scare near Bangalore so we weren’t buying eggs either. What do we do for breakfast? Just skip it. Now i have no problem not having breakfast at all

The list goes on. And I’m sure this applies to you as well. Think of all the behavioural changes that the pandemic has forced on you, and think of which all you will go back on once it has passed. There is likely to be a set of behavioural changes that won’t change back.

Like how one in 20 passengers who changed routes following the 2014 tube strikes never went back to their earlier routes. Except that this time it is a 6-month disruption.

What this means is that even when the pandemic is past us, the economy will not look like the economy that was before the pandemic hit us. There will be winners and losers. And since it will take time and effort for people doing “loser jobs” to retrain themselves (if possible) to do “winner jobs”, the economic downturn will be even longer.

I’m calling it the “tube strike mental model” for behavioural change during the pandemic.

Taking Intelligence For Granted

There was a point in time when the use of artificial intelligence or machine learning or any other kind of intelligence in a product was a source of competitive advantage and differentiation. Nowadays, however, many people have got so spoiled by the use of intelligence in many products they use that it has become more of a hygiene factor.

Take this morning’s post, for example. One way to look at it is that Spotify with its customisation algorithms and recommendations has spoiled me so much that I find Amazon’s pushing of Indian music irritating (Amazon’s approach can be called as “naive customisation”, where they push Indian music to me only because I’m based in India, and not learn further based on my preferences).

Had I not been exposed to the more intelligent customisation that Spotify offers, I might have found Amazon’s naive customisation interesting. However, Spotify’s degree of customisation has spoilt me so much that Amazon is simply inadequate.

This expectation of intelligence goes beyond product and service classes. When we get used to Spotify recommending music we like based on our preferences, we hold Netflix’s recommendation algorithm to a higher standard. We question why the Flipkart homepage is not customised to us based on our previous shopping. Or why Google Maps doesn’t learn that some of us don’t like driving through small roads when we can help it.

That customers take intelligence for granted nowadays means that businesses have to invest more in offering this intelligence. Easy-to-use data analysis and machine learning packages mean that at least some part of an industry uses intelligence in at least some form (even if they might do it badly in case they fail to throw human intelligence into the mix!).

So if you are in the business of selling to end customers, keep in mind that they are used to seeing intelligence everywhere around them, and whether they state it or not, they expect it from you.

AlphaZero Revisited

It’s been over a year since Google’s DeepMind first made its splash with the reinforcement-learning based chess playing engine AlphaZero. The first anniversary of the story of AlphaZero being released also coincided with the publication of the peer-reviewed paper.

To go with the peer-reviewed paper, DeepMind has released a further 200 games played between AlphaZero and the conventional chess engine StockFish, which is again heavily loaded in favour of wins for AlphaZero, but also contains 6 game where AlphaZero lost. I’ve been following these games on GM Daniel King’s excellent Powerplaychess channel, and want to revise my opinion on AlphaZero.

Back then, I had looked at AlphaZero’s play from my favourite studs and fighter framework, which in hindsight doesn’t do full justice to AlphaZero. From the games that I’ve seen from the set released this season, AlphaZero’s play hasn’t exactly been “stud”. It’s just that it’s much more “human”. And the reason why AlphaZero’s play possibly seems more human is because of the way it “learns”.

Conventional chess engines evaluate a position by considering all possible paths (ok not really, they use an intelligent method called Alpha-Beta Pruning to limit their search size), and then play the move that leads to the best position at the end of the search. These engines use “pre-learnt human concepts” such as point count for different pieces, which are used to evaluate positions. And this leads to a certain kind of play.

AlphaZero’s learning, process, however, involves playing zillions of games against itself (since I wrote that previous post, I’ve come back up to speed with reinforcement learning). And then based on the results of these games, it evaluates positions it reached in the course of play (in hindsight). On top of this, it builds a deep learning model to identify the goodness of positions.

Given my limited knowledge of how deep learning works, this process involves AlphaZero learning about “features” of games that have more often than not enabled it to win. So somewhere in the network there will be a node that represents “control of centre”. Another node deep in the network might represent “safety of king”. Yet another might perhaps involve “open A file”.

Of course, none of these features have been pre-specified to AlphaZero. It has simply learnt it by training its neural network on zillions of games it has played against itself. And while deep learning is hard to “explain”, it is likely to have so happened that the features of the game that AlphaZero has learnt are remarkably similar to the “features” of the game that human players have learnt over the centuries. And it is because of the commonality in these features that we find AlphaZero’s play so “human”.

Another way to look at is from the concept of “10000 hours” that Malcolm Gladwell spoke about in his book Outliers. As I had written in my review of the book, the concept of 10000 hours can be thought of as “putting fight until you get enough intuition to become stud”. AlphaZero, thanks to its large number of processors, has effectively spent much more than “10000 hours” playing against itself, with its neural network constantly “learning” from the positions faced and the outcomes of the game reached. And this way, it has “gained intuition” over features of the game that lead to wins, giving it an air of “studness”.

The interesting thing to me about AlphaZero’s play is that thanks to its “independent development” (in a way like the Finches of Galapagos), it has not been burdened by human intuition on what is good or bad, and learnt its own heuristics. And along the way, it has come up with a bunch of heuristics that have not commonly be used by human players.

Keeping bishops on the back rank (once the rooks have been connected), for example. A stronger preference for bishops to knights than humans. Suddenly simplifying from a terrifying-looking attack into a winning endgame (machines are generally good at endgames, so this is not that surprising). Temporary pawn and piece sacrifices. And all that.

Thanks to engines such as LeelaZero, we can soon see the results of these learnings being applied to human chess as well. And human chess can only become better!

Human, Animal and Machine Intelligence

Earlier this week I started watching this series on Netflix called “Terrorism Close Calls“. Each episode is about an instance of attempted terrorism that has been foiled in the last 2 decades. For example, there is one example of the plot to bomb a set of transatlantic flights from London to North America in 2006 (a consequence of which is that liquids still aren’t allowed on board flights).

So the first episode of the series involves this Afghani guy who drives all the way from Colorado to New York to place a series of bombs in the latter’s subways (metro train system). He is under surveillance through the length of his journey, and just as he is about to enter New York, he is stopped for what seems like a “routine drugs test”.

As the episode explains, “a set of dogs went around his car sniffing”, but “rather than being trained to sniff drugs” (as is routine in such a stop), “these dogs had been trained to sniff explosives”.

This little snippet got me thinking about how machines are “trained” to “learn”. At the most basic level, machine learning involves showing a large number of “positive cases” and “negative cases” based on which the program “learns” the differences between the positive and negative cases, and thus to identify the positive cases.

So if you want to built a system to identify cats in an image, you feed the machine a large number of images with cats in them, and a large(r) number of images without cats in them, each appropriately “labelled” (“cat” or “no cat”) and based on the differences, the system learns to identify cats.

Similarly, if you want to teach a system to detect cancers based on MRIs, you show it a set of MRIs that show malignant tumours, and another set of MRIs without malignant tumours, and sure enough the machine learns to distinguish between the two sets (you might have come across claims of “AI can cure cancer”. This is how it does it).

However, AI can sometimes go wrong by learning the wrong things. For example, an algorithm trained to recognise sheep started classifying grass as “sheep” (since most of the positive training samples had sheep in meadows). Another system went crazy in its labelling when an unexpected object (an elephant in a drawing room) was present in the picture.

While machines learn through lots of positive and negative examples, that is not how humans learn, as I’ve been observing as my daughter grows up. When she was very little, we got her a book with one photo each of 100 different animals. And we would sit with her every day pointing at each picture and telling her what each was.

Soon enough, she could recognise cats and dogs and elephants and tigers. All by means of being “trained on” one image of each such animal. Soon enough, she could recognise hitherto unseen pictures of cats and dogs (and elephants and tigers). And then recognise dogs (as dogs) as they passed her on the street. What absolutely astounded me was that she managed to correctly recognise a cartoon cat, when all she had seen thus far were “real cats”.

So where do animals stand, in this spectrum of human to machine learning? Do they recognise from positive examples only (like humans do)? Or do they learn from a combination of positive and negative examples (like machines)? One thing that limits the positive-only learning for animals is the limited range of their communication.

What drives my curiosity is that they get trained for specific things – that you have dogs to identify drugs and dogs to identify explosives. You don’t usually have dogs that can recognise both (specialisation is for insects, as they say – or maybe it’s for all non-human animals).

My suspicion (having never had a pet) is that the way animals learn is closer to how humans learn – based on a large number of positive examples, rather than as the difference between positive and negative examples. Just that the limit of the animal’s communication being limited means that it is hard to train them for more than one thing (or maybe there’s something to do with their mental bandwidth as well. I don’t know).

What do you think? Interestingly enough, there is a recent paper that talks about how many machine learning systems have “animal-like abilities” rather than coming close to human intelligence.

For millions of years, mankind lived, just like the animals.
And then something happened that unleashed the power of our imagination. We learned to talk
– Stephen Hawking, in the opening of a Roger Waters-less Pink Floyd’s Keep Talking

AlphaZero defeats Stockfish: Quick thoughts

The big news of the day, as far as I’m concerned, is the victory of Google Deepmind’s AlphaZero over Stockfish, currently the highest rated chess engine. This comes barely months after Deepmind’s AlphaGo Zero had bested the earlier avatar of AlphaGo in the game of Go.

Like its Go version, the AlphaZero chess playing machine learnt using reinforcement learning (I remember doing a term paper on the concept back in 2003 but have mostly forgotten). Basically it wasn’t given any “training data”, but the machine trained itself on continuously playing with itself, with feedback given in each stage of learning helping it learn better.

After only about four hours of “training” (basically playing against itself and discovering moves), AlphaZero managed to record this victory in a 100-game match, winning 28 and losing none (the rest of the games were drawn).

There’s a sample game here on the website and while this might be a biased sample (it’s likely that the AlphaZero engineers included the most spectacular games in their paper, from which this is taken), the way AlphaZero plays is vastly different from the way engines such as Stockfish have been playing.

I’m not that much of a chess expert (I “retired” from my playing career back in 1994), but the striking things for me from this game were

  • the move 7. d5 against the Queen’s Indian
  • The piece sacrifice a few moves later that was hard to see
  • AlphaZero’s consistent attempts until late in the game to avoid trading queens
  • The move Qh1 somewhere in the middle of the game

In a way (and being consistent with some of the themes of this blog), AlphaZero can be described as a “stud” chess machine, having taught itself to play based on feedback from games it’s already played (the way reinforcement learning broadly works is that actions that led to “good rewards” are incentivised in the next iteration, while those that led to “poor rewards” are penalised. The challenge in this case is to set up chess in a way that is conducive for a reinforcement learning system).

Engines such as StockFish, on the other hand, are absolute “fighters”. They get their “power” by brute force, by going down nearly all possible paths in the game several moves down. This is supplemented by analysis of millions of existing games of various levels which the engine “learns” from – among other things, it learns how to prune and prioritise the paths it searches on. StockFish is also fed a database of chess openings which it remembers and tries to play.

What is interesting is that AlphaZero has “discovered” some popular chess openings through the course of is self-learning. It is interesting to note that some popular openings such as the King’s Indian or French find little favour with this engine, while others such as the Queen’s Gambit or the Queen’s Indian find favour. This is a very interesting development in terms of opening theory itself.

Frequency of openings over time employed by AlphaZero in its “learning” phase. Image sourced from AlphaZero research paper.

In any case, my immediate concern from this development is how it will affect human chess. Over the last decade or two, engines such as stockfish have played a profound role in the development of chess, with current top players such as Magnus Carlsen or Sergey Karjakin having trained extensively with these engines.

The way top grandmasters play has seen a steady change in these years as they have ingested the ideas from engines such as StockFish. The game has become far more quiet and positional, as players seek to gain small advantages which steadily improves over the course of (long) games. This is consistent with the way the engines that players learn from play.

Based on the evidence of the one game I’ve seen of AlphaZero, it plays very differently from the existing engines. Based on this, it will be interesting to see how human players who train with AlphaZero based engines (or their clones) will change their game.

Maybe chess will turn back to being a bit more tactical than it’s been in the last decade? It’s hard to say right now!

Hill Climbing in real life

Fifteen years back, I enrolled for a course on Artificial Intelligence as part of my B.Tech. programme at IIT Madras. It was well before stuff like “machine learning” and “data science” became big, and the course was mostly devoted to heuristics. Incidentally, that term, we had to pick between this course and one on Artificial Neural Networks (I guess nowadays that one is more popular given the hype about Deep Learning?), which meant that I didn’t learn about neural networks until last year or so.

A little googling tells me that Deepak Khemani, who taught us AI in 2002, has put up his lectures online, as part of the NPTEL programme. The first one is here:

In fact, the whole course is available here.

Anyways, one of the classes of problems we dealt with in the course was “search”. Basically, how does a computer “search” for the solution to a problem within a large “search space”?

One of the simplest heuristic is what has come to be known as “hill climbing” (too lazy to look through all of Khemani’s lectures and find where he’s spoken about this). I love computer science because a lot of computer scientists like to describe ideas in terms of intuitive metaphors. Hill climbing is definitely one such!

Let me explain it from the point of view of my weekend vacation in Edinburgh. One of my friends who had lived there a long time back recommended that I hike up this volcanic hill in the city called “Arthur’s Peak“.

On Saturday evening, I left my wife and daughter and wife’s parents (who I had travelled with) in our AirBnB and walked across town (some 3-4 km) to reach Holyrood Palace, from where Arthur’s Seat became visible. This is what I saw: 

Basically, what you see is the side of a hill, and if you see closely, there are people walking up the sides. So what you guess is that you need to make your way to the bottom of the hill and then just climb.

But then you make your way to the base of the hill and see several paths leading up. Which one do you take? You take the path that seems steepest, believing that’s the one that will take you to the top quickest. And so you take a step along that path. And then see which direction to go to climb up steepest. Take another step. Rinse. Repeat. Until you reach a point where you can no longer find a way up. Hopefully that’s the peak.

Most of the time, you are likely to end up on the top of a smaller rock. In any case, this is the hill climbing algorithm.

So back to my story. I reached the base of the hill and set off on the steepest marked path.

I puffed and panted, but I kept going. It was rather windy that day, and it was threatening to rain. I held my folded umbrella and camera tight, and went on. I got beautiful views of Edinburgh city, and captured some of them on camera. And after a while, I got tired, and decided to call my wife using Facetime.

In any case, it appeared that I had a long way to go, given the rocks that went upwards just to my left (I was using a modified version of hill climbing in that I used only marked paths. As I was to rediscover the following day, I have a fear of heights). And I told that to my wife. And then suddenly the climb got easier. And before I knew it I was descending. And soon enough I was at the bottom all over again!

And then I saw the peak. Basically what I had been climbing all along was not the main hill at all! It was a “side hill”, which I later learnt is called the “Salisbury Crags”. I got down to the middle of the two hills, and stared at the valley there. I realised that was a “saddle point”, and hungry and tired and not wanting to get soaked in rain, I made my way out, hailed a cab and went home.

I wasn’t done yet. Determined to climb the “real peak”, I returned the next morning. Again I walked all the way to the base of the hill, and started my climb at the saddle point. It was a tough climb – while there were rough steps in some places, in others there was none. I kept climbing a few steps at a time, taking short breaks.

One such break happened to be too long, though, and gave me enough time to look down and feel scared. For a long time now I’ve had a massive fear of heights. Panic hit. I was afraid of going too close to the edge and falling off the hill. I decided to play it safe and turn back.

I came down and walked across the valley you see in the last picture above. Energised, I had another go. From what was possibly a relatively easier direction. But I was too tired. And I had to get back to the apartment and check out that morning. So I gave up once again.

I still have unfinished business in Edinburgh!


Genetic Algorithms

I first learnt about Genetic Algorithms almost exactly thirteen years ago, when it was taught to me by Prof. Deepak Khemani as part of a course on “artificial intelligence”. I remember liking the course a fair bit, and took a liking to the heuristics and “approximate solutions” after the mathematically intensive algorithms course of the previous semester.

The problem with the course, however, was that it didn’t require us to code the algorithms we had learnt (for which we were extremely thankful back then, since in term 5 of Computer Science at IIT Madras, this was pretty much the only course that didn’t involve too many programming assignments).

As a result, while I had learnt all these heuristics (hill climbing, simulated annealing, taboo search, genetic algorithms, etc.) fairly well in theory, I had been at a complete loss as to how to implement any of them. And so far, during the course of my work, I had never had an opportunity to use any of these techniques. Until today that is.

I can’t describe the problem here since this is a client assignment, but when I had to pick a subset from a large set that satisfied certain properties, I knew I needed a method that would reach the best subset quickly. A “fitness function” quickly came to mind and it was obvious that I should use genetic algorithms to solve the problem.

The key with using genetic algorithms is that you need to be able to code the solution in the form of a string, and then define functions such as “crossover” and “mutation”. Given that I was looking for a subset, coding it as a string was rather easy, and since I had unordered subsets, the crossover was also easy – basic random number generation. Within fifteen minutes of deciding I should use GA, the entire algorithm was in my head. It was only a question of implementing it.

As I started writing the code, I started getting fantasies of being able to finish it in an hour and then write a blog post about it. As it happened, it took much longer. The first cut took some three hours (including some breaks), and it wasn’t particularly good, and was slow to converge.  I tweaked things around a bit but things didn’t improve by much.

And that was when I realise that I had done the crossover wrong – when two strings have elements in common and need to be crossed over, I had to take care that elements in common did not repeat into the same “child” (needed the subsets to be of a certain length). So that needed some twist in the code. That done, the code still seemed inefficient.

I had been doing the crossover wrong. If I started off with 10 strings, I would form 5 pairs from them (each participating in exactly one pair) which would result in 10 new strings. And then I would put these 20 (original 10 and new 10) strings through a fitness test and discard the weakest 10. And iterate. The problem was that the strongest strings had as much of a chance of reproducing as the weakest. This was clearly not right.

So I tweaked the code so that the fitter strings had a higher chance of reproducing than the less fit. This required me to put the fitness test at the beginning of each iteration rather than the end. I had to refactor the code a little bit to make sure I didn’t repeat computations. Now I was drawing pairs of strings from the original “basket” and randomly crossing them over. And putting them through the fitness test. And so forth.

I’m extremely happy with the results of the algorithm. I’ve got just the kind of output that I had expected. More importantly, I was extremely happy with the process of coding the whole thing in. I did the entire coding in R, which is what I use for my data analysis (data size meant I didn’t need anything quicker).

The more interesting part is that this only solved a very small part of the problem I’m trying to solve for my client. Tomorrow I’m back to solving a different part of the problem. Genetic algorithms have served their purpose. Back when I started this assignment I had no clue I would be using genetic algorithms. In fact, I had no clue what techniques I might use.

Which is why I get annoyed when people ask me what kind of techniques I use in my problem solving. Given the kind of problems I take on, most will involve a large variety of math, CS and statistics techniques, each of which will only play a small role in the entire solution. This is also the reason I get annoyed when people put methods they are going to use to solve the problem on their pitch-decks. To me, that gives an impression that they are solving a toy version of the problem and not the real problem – or that the consultants are grossly oversimplifying the problem to be solved.

PS: Much as some people might describe it that way, I wouldn’t describe Genetic Algorithms as “machine learning”. I think there’s way too much intervention on the part of the programmer for it to be described thus.