
Recently I had written a what I thought innocuous post on the cultural differences between North and South Bangalore, and said that it has a historical context. And put an innocuous friendly comment.

Now, some loser website must have linked to it, but that post has attracted numerous first-timers to my blog, and all of them have reacted with some really entertaining comments. I’ll put a few of the better ones here, but you can read the rest of the stuff here.

Here goes…

1. anyone who dares call S Bangaloreans as Losers should realise that he/she stays in Bangalore the capital of Karnataka…Give some respect and earn some!

2. Blore is not even half Mumbai, forget London or NY and we are talking abt N and S bangalore..BTW whatever or whoever is N Bangalore who dares call S Bangaloreans as Losers should realise that it/he/she stays in Bangalore the capital of Karnataka..So shut your f****** trap !!

3. Web sites like Sify should ban such blogs. Start doing something mature and useful rather then wasting time on such brainless ideas. (this i found to be the most hilarious)

R u trying to imply dat muslims were pro-british..????
Just trying to refresh your memory…the fact is dat Tipu Sultan was a devout muslim…and one of the unsung heroes of the indian freedom movement
People like u ought to be ashamed of urself.
U just wanna divide the country in every way possible.

Check the rest of the stuff here.

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