today during lunch i happened to hear this ronan keating song, “you say it best when you say nothing at all…”. a lot of people believe that it is one of THE most romantic songs ever and stuff like that… according to me, it is simbly the nicest way of telling someone to shut up… think about it…
along similar lines… it is common that when something uncommon happens you say that “it will rain today” (eg. “oh you came to office early today? it will deffinitely rain”). against this background you have the song, “koi ladki hai, jab woh hasti hai, baarish hoti hai, …” (there exists a girl, whenever she laughs it rains). lyricist to pagal hai!
then, surprisingly, you have the dessert chain corner house being successful in bangalore. this intrigues me as in kannada slang (at least the variety my parents speak), “corner house” refers to the loo! probably it has succeeded because there are enough people in bangalore who don’t speak this slang.
on similar lines, hutch has also done reasonably well in bangalore (airtel maybe the leader by a long way but hutch has succeeded in uprooting spice from second place) though “hUtch” (with the U pronounced as in bUll or fUll) means madness! hutch is even casually referred to as “hUtch” sometimes…