
the guy who recruited me quit JPM today… and is joining another company whose offer i had rejected during our day0 solely because i didn’t find the interviewers from there as impressive as this guy… news about the resignation came quite suddenly… it was he who conceptualized this whole 10-week internship… it was he who convinced the other people at JPM that it’s worth getting people from IIMs… and he got us here… and in the middle of the internship he’s left… he just came to my desk, shook hands with everyone around, wished us luck and walked away…

there’s no one else in this organization who has a clue as to how this internship program will be run… guess it’ll become even more unstructured….next five weeks i’ll come to office… do whatever the guys next to me are doing… go back…

and good that i had given up on a PPO… though i must add that my manager seems to like me and addresses me as ‘bright young karthik’ (in a kinda cockney accent 🙂 )…. though i wouldn’t like to read too much into that…

will keep up my original objective of trying to learn as much as possible in my next few weeks here… and my heart goes out to those people who rejected other offers for JPM solely because of its supposedly good PPO policy….

wondering how life will be in the fast lane… you get promoted one day… quit the next… no one has a clue of what you’re upto… you don’t have a clue of what someone else is upto… all decisions come suddenly…. just last week this guy was bitching to me about the company he is going to join (of course, he didn’t tell me then that he’s going there). yesterday he had a long chat with me about JPM…


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